What are Lightning Web Components(LWC)?
Lightning web components are custom HTML elements built using HTML and modern JavaScript.
Now you can build Lightning components using two programming models: Lightning Web Components, and the original model, Aura Components.
Why we need to go for LWC?
1.It uses Core Web Components standards
2.Most of the code you write is standard JavaScript and HTML
3.Provides only what’s necessary to perform
4.It is built on code that runs natively in browsers
5.It is lightweight and delivers exceptional performance
Where can we implement LWC Components?
Salesforce Developer Console won’t support LWC components. We need to install Visual Studio Code(VS Code) Editor to implement the LWC Components.
LWC Component Bundle Structure:
LWC Majorly contains 3 files
Meta XML
Naming Convention/Rules for Components Bundles
1.Component name Must begin with a lowercase letter
2.Name must contain only alphanumeric or underscore characters
3.Can’t contain a hyphen (dash)
4.Must be unique in the namespace (No other Aura or LWC can have this name)
5.Can’t include whitespace
6.Can’t end with an underscore
7.Can’t contain two consecutive underscores
8.Folder and files names must have same “prefix name”
What are the Decorators available in LWC?
We have 3 Decorators in Lightning Web Components. Variables declared with below decorators in LWC components.
1) @api
2) @track
3) @wire
To expose a public method, decorate it with @api. Public methods are part of a component’s API. To communicate down the containment hierarchy, owner and parent components can call JavaScript methods on child components.
Fields are reactive. If a field’s value changes, and the field is used in a template or in a getter of a property that’s used in a template, the component rerenders and displays the new value.
@wire(getRecord, { recordId: '$recordId', fields: FIELDS })
No Expressions in the HTML
There is no expression available in the LWC HTML markup as it used to be for Lightning Components. E.g., the code below does not work in LWC:
{!expression} // not supported in LWC
Instead you will need to bind a property in the HTML to properties in the JS class. Example below:
Using Apex Controllers
The Apex controllers follow the same syntax as they used to for enabling server side communication with Lightning Components. The Apex controllers still use @AuraEnabled annotation to integrate with LWC, the change however is more on the syntax on JS side of the LWC. More can be found on the documentation.
Events in Lightning Web Components
Lightning web components do not have Lightning Component equivalent of component or application events. The events in LWC are dispatched using standard DOM events.
Standard DOM events are used to communicate up in the component hierarchy (similar to component events in LC)
To communicate between components not in the hierarchy, publish-subscribe event model is utilized.
Interoperability between Lightning Web Components and Lightning Components
Aura and LWC can be able to communicate using Public API’s and Events.
LWC can be embedded inside Aura Components, but Aura Components cannot be embedded inside LWC.
Syntax Differences:
Sample component:
JavaScript File(hello.js)
Sample Output: