Lightning web component HTML files all include the template tag. The template tag contains the HTML that defines the structure of your component. Let’s look at the HTML for a simplified version of the component. Paste the following into app.html (replacing any existing HTML in the file). bikeCard.html < template > < div id = "waiting" if : false = { ready } > Loading.. </ div > < div id = "dispaly" if : true = { ready } > < div > Name: {name} </ div > < div > Description: {description} </ div > < div > Category: {category} </ div > < div > Material: {material} </ div > < div > Price: {price} </ div > < div >< img src = { pictureURL } /></ div > </ div > </ template > The identifiers in the curly braces {} are bound to the fields of the same name in the corresponding JavaScript class. Here’s a JavaScript file to s...
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